Typing HELP from QuickExec takes you to a page that does not document how to view or set prefs. It goes to http://docs.telerik.com/fiddler/knowledgebase/quickexec. The prefs doc is at http://fiddler.wikidot.com/prefsaction
Also, add a link to send feedback onto the KB pages / documentation to make it easy to submit doc feedback :-)
Cheat sheet:
prefs set fiddler.importexport.HTTPArchiveJSON.MaxTextBodyLength 999999
prefs show fiddler.importexport.HTTPArchiveJSON.MaxTextBodyLength
When I type help into the toolbar it actually fails to load the documentation.
Typing help loads the page:
which redirects to which never loads (eventually I get a 502).
Removing the https seems to make it work.
FWIW, if you have the Fiddler Book, put the PDF in the Fiddler folder and you can open it directly via the Help menu.
Ah I see now. Yep, our online documentation is lagging behind Fiddler. We'll definitely update it although I can't really commit to a deadline on this.
I agree :-) But the help page should list all of the quickexec commands /or/ link to additional pages. I did not see anything about prefs on the page that the help command links over to.
Typing "help" in quickexec redirects you to help about quickexec as a whole. Why should it point to help on one particular quickexec command?