Fiddler Ideas

The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform.

Fiddler should have more smarts around responseCode

Today, you have to write annoying code like:

if (((oSession.responseCode == 301) || 
   (oSession.responseCode == 302) ||
   (oSession.responseCode == 303) ||
   (oSession.responseCode == 307) ||
   (oSession.responseCode == 308))  { ... do redirect stuff }

It would be better if there were a way to test a bunch of codes at once in an Enumerable (e.g. oSession.ResponseCodeIn([301,302,303,307,308])

It would also be nice if you could do:


    if (oSession.oResponse.IsStatusRedirect() || oSessionl.oResponse.IsStatusClientError() || oSession.oResponse.IsStatusServerError() || oSession.oResponse.IsStatusSuccess()) 


...where each method returns true for 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, and 2xx.

  • Eric Lawrence
  • Sep 12 2018
  • Under review
  • Attach files