Fiddler Ideas

The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform.

Visible/Audible alert when capture stops without user input

We use fiddler to reverse proxy requests to out dev environment back to our development machines while working
So normally resolves to but when fiddler is capturing it resolves to so that we can debug and do development on specific microsites without having to have our entire environment replicated locally. This is great until fiddler stops capturing unexpectedly, which isnt always obvious.

It would be useful if a warning could pop up, or an audible alert would sound to let us know that something went wrong and the capture had stopped.

  • Guest
  • Aug 3 2018
  • Under review
  • Attach files
  • Eric Lawrence commented
    3 Aug, 2018 07:47pm

    Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say "stops capturing unexpectedly"?

    In general, Fiddler should show a yellow notification bar at the top if some other software changes the system's proxy setting, as shown in the screenshot here:!searchin/httpfiddler/yellow$20bar%7Csort:date/httpfiddler/jtjL_EiaLj0/7lsvuwygCAAJ.


    If you see that bar but just want something more noticeable (including a tray notification and sound) this can be done easily from Fiddler Script.


    If you don't see the notice, then you'll need to explain more about what happens.