Fiddler Ideas

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Error in FiddlerScript on MacOS

on MacOS,

while launching Fiddler with mono, I get the following error message: "Unexpected symbol ':', expecting identifier. Line: 143"

once Fiddler application loaded, I FiddlerScript tab is missing.


is there a way to fix this issue from Fiddler source files? or can you fix this issue?

  • Guest
  • Jun 12 2017
  • Under review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Jun, 2017 01:40pm


    ScriptEditor doesn't start up, or at least doesn't start up from Rules > Customize Rules.

    I have OSX Capitan. Should I get a newer version?

  • Guest commented
    13 Jun, 2017 01:17pm

    I think I get the script editor finally... I'm trying out some customisation..

    ... will keep you informed if I finally managed to make it work

  • Guest commented
    13 Jun, 2017 01:13pm


    Clicking on Rules>Customize Rules doesn't display fiddler ScriptEditor.

    (while it opens up in windows)

  • Eric Lawrence commented
    12 Jun, 2017 03:00pm

    If you click Rules > Customize Rules and scroll to line 143, is the file corrupted?