Good evening, let's get the idea straight.
The idea in order
I have a link and I want to do more than an automatic response.
As an example
If this request:
Then the Auto Responder reply this:
The point is, I want more than auto Responeder.
As I mentioned upstairs, I only have one link.
And I do more than one request on the same link
I don't want to be a constant response.
It changes as the request matches.
# Too Short #
Remember, I only have one link.
If this request:
Then Respone:
If this request:
Then Respone:
I apologize for prolonging the idea.
I'm sorry if there's anything wrong with my language.
Thank you, sir.
You want to create URLWithBody rules. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22597269/handling-post-parameter-differences-on-identical-urls-in-fiddler-recording