Fiddler Ideas

The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform.

AutoSave feature removes open WebSockets!topic/httpfiddler/NnrWVBoym4Y


If you have auto save turned on and a web socket initiates inbetween the save interval, messages captured during the interval are saved to the "_w" files in the saz file.

After the autosave is triggered, captures that happen on the same session are no saved in subsequent autosaved saz files.
  • Eric Lawrence
  • May 27 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    2 Jun, 2017 04:54am


  • Eric Lawrence commented
    1 Jun, 2017 05:07pm

    (The solution being, do not remove incomplete WebSocket Sessions from the WebSessions list when AutoSaving.) I think there shouldn't be a problem with ServerSentEvents or other "normal" incomplete sessions.