Fiddler Ideas

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Templates for Composer

I use fiddler all the time to test various apis and it would be nice to have either templates or access to the composer header/body textboxes via QuickExec.  That way I could create standard templates (or actions) to prefill certain values.

The template should contain..

Request Headers
Request Body

A new Template explorer could be added under the existing Log Request History which could be a tree view that allows one to structure their templates.

  • Guest
  • Mar 9 2017
  • Under review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    24 Jan, 2018 12:39pm


    Thanks for the comment , how can i hit the execute button in fiddler composer programatically.

  • Eric Lawrence commented
    13 Mar, 2017 04:52pm

    Oh, and the last point is that the ScratchPad tab of the Composer is partly designed for exactly this scenario.

  • Eric Lawrence commented
    13 Mar, 2017 04:52pm

    A fun idea. The Composer is accessible via FiddlerScript, so you can do this today. Simply call the FiddlerApplication.DoComposeFrom or FiddlerApplication.DoComposeByCloning methods with the data you want to use as the basis for the new Session.

    Alternatively, you could store your desired templates as fake sessions in a SAZ file, then use the Tools > New Session Clipboard to open that SAZ file as a palette. Or, you could just prepopulate the Composer History with the desired sessions (it's a bit of work, but the .RAZ file is just a SAZ file where the responses have been omitted).